giovedì 20 settembre 2018

In for a ride

I have lost count of how many times I have written and cancelled, written and cancelled all the posts on this website. Never happy with what I write, I fall into this spiral of whatever and abandon things with the carelessness of somebody who has long and plenty procrastinated, but still not enough.

YouTube videos are not for me. I've tried, I swear. Listening to the recording must have been the second most cringe-inducing experience of my life after that time I was given shaked coffee with salt instead of sugar - on my defense I can say that I sound like Doris from Shrek 3, whom I absolutely adore. If that's your thing, that is.

So here we are, back to the writing. What am I writing about?

My experience. There is going to be a lot of practical things, lots of advice on different topics - life in London, work and university mainly, but it's not going to be restricted to that. There are so many things on my mind that it's difficult at the moment to make a definite list. But if you choose to read my posts, and even the tiniest bit of my contribution can make your worries less... worrying, in any possible way, then I will know I have done a good job.

Hope you enjoy the ride, 'cause I definitely will.
We keep on walking.